
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-09
Mary Lennox,Colin Craven,Dickon , Mrs.Medlock ,Martha ,Lord Archibald Craven ,Ben Weatherstaff ,Mary's Mother / Lilias Craven,Betty Butterworth , Will,John ,Major Lennox , Ayah .

Marie Fallon Roux

Deakan; Deecken


1.The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable girl.She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour expression.Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always been ill in one way or another.Her father holds a position in India under the English Government and is busy and her mother is a great beauty who cares only to go to parties.After her parents die in an epidemic of cholera,this lonely girl is sent to live with her uncle,Archibald Craven,at Misselthwaite Manor,on the edge of the Yorkshire moor in England.There,with the help of the robin,a magical bird,Mary discovers a secret garden which has been shut up for ten years.Ten years ago,Craven’s wife,Lilias,died from a severe fall from the tree right in this garden.From then on,this garden is locked up.Under the care of Mary and Dickon,a Yorkshire boy who lives on the moor,the dead garden is turned into a flourishing garden full of vigor and vitality.The process of tending the garden also restores Mary to her health.In addition,the discovery of the garden parallels Mary’s discovery of her cousin,Colin,who is tyrannical and hysterical.In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and happiness.At the end of the book,Mr.Craven returns to the garden and Mr.Craven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful garden.

2.A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the other of whom, the child of her uncle, was her cousin. But it seemed that the uncle didn't love his son and the boy had a bad health. After a period of time, the girl began to play with the two boys and they began to be happy. Then they found there was a secret garden in the house. No one was admitted to go into that garden. The three children were very curious and found the way to go into the garden where they played happily. At last, the secret that the children played in the secret garden was found by the uncle. At last, the children learned that the uncle closed the garden because his wife was dead in that garden, which made him very sad. Of course, the girl's cousin became healthy and got the love from his father again.









#双树砖# 秘密花园读后感 急!! -
(13987222952): 秘密花园中的小主人公叫玛丽,是个相貌平庸.脾气暴躁.人见人厌的小姑娘,在一次瘟疫中,她的爸爸妈妈被夺取了生命是她成为了孤儿. 我看到这时,总是想问:''这本书里怎么净是让人不开心的人或事呢?''我怀着这个问题看下去...

#双树砖# 中翻英!急!!高中秘密花园读后感.高分悬赏并加分 -
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#双树砖# 求秘密花园读后感400字 -
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