
www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-05-31










"On the first day of the first lunar month of the year, the new renovations of the Dongting Hotel at the Waterloo Site were completed. I, as a layman in the mountains and waters, set out to Dongting Lake to give a firsthand look. Dongting Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in China, with a surface area of over 2,700 square kilometers. It is located in Hunan Province, between the Qi and Nan Mountains, with a natural embankment on the east and a man-made embankment on the west. It is said that there are eight极湖 and four极water here, with rolling waves innumerable. The water is here; the water is here. The people love this place for its mild and rainy climate.
The people of Yueyang Tower are accustomed to the chop of the waves and the roar of the water. They rise from their beds and rush to the tower, where they gaze into the distance, facing the wind and rain. They are not afraid of the waves, but they fear only that they may not see the waves. This is a place where people come to seek danger.
The people of Yueyang love the water, and they love life. But if they can't have one, they choose the other. They are not afraid of hardship and suffering because they know that only through hardship and suffering can one truly feel life. They are not afraid of death because they know that death is only a door to a better world. They are not afraid of anything because they know that there is nothing that can be gained by fearing.
The people of Yueyang love to drink. They drink to forget their troubles, they drink to celebrate their joys, they drink to share their sorrows. They drink because they know that life is short and uncertain, and one must make the most of it while they can.
The people of Yueyang love to sing. They sing to forget their troubles, they sing to celebrate their joys, they sing to share their sorrows. They sing because they know that life is short and uncertain, and one must make the most of it while they can."


#杜玲复# 《岳阳楼记》全文翻译 -
(17059064851): 原文如下 庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡.越明年,政通人和,百废具兴.乃重修岳阳楼,增其旧制,刻唐贤今人诗赋于其上.属予作文以记之. 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖.衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千....

#杜玲复# 《岳阳楼记》的翻译 -
(17059064851): 庆历四年的春天,滕子京被贬为巴陵太守.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓安居乐业,各种荒废了的事业都兴办起来了.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩增它旧有的规模,把唐代名家和今人的诗赋刻在上面.嘱托我写一篇文章来记述这件事. 我看那巴陵...

#杜玲复# 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》的译文? -
(17059064851): 译文如下 宋仁宗庆历四年春天,滕子京被贬谪到岳州当了知州.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多已废弛不办的事情都兴办起来.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在楼上刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋.嘱托我写一篇文章来记述...

#杜玲复# 岳阳楼记译文 -
(17059064851): 宋仁宗庆历四年春天,滕子京被贬谪到岳州当了知州.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多已废弛不办的事情都兴办起来.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在楼上刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋.嘱托我写一篇文章来记述这件事. ...

#杜玲复# 《岳阳楼记》的翻译 -
(17059064851): 【译文】 宋仁宗庆历四年春天,滕子京被贬谪到岳州当了知州.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多已废弛不办的事情都兴办起来.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在楼上刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋.嘱托我写一篇文章来记述...

#杜玲复# 初二文言文《岳阳楼记》的翻译. -
(17059064851): 庆历四年(1044年)的春天,滕子京降职到岳州做太守.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,很多长年荒废的事业又重新兴 办起来了.还重新修建了岳阳楼,扩大它旧有的规模,还在上面刻上唐代贤人和当代人的诗赋,(滕子京)并嘱咐(我...

#杜玲复# 岳阳楼记翻译 -
(17059064851): 宋仁宗庆历四年春天,滕子京被贬谪到岳州当了知州.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多已废弛不办的事情都兴办起来.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在楼上刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋.嘱托...

#杜玲复# 《岳阳楼记》的全文翻译及字词解释
(17059064851): 庆历四年的春天,滕子京被贬为巴陵太守.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓安居乐业,各种荒废了的事业都兴办起来了.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩增它旧有的规模,把唐代名家和今人的诗赋刻在上面.嘱托我写一篇文章来记述这件事. 我看那巴陵...

#杜玲复# 岳阳楼记的翻译....急用.....?
(17059064851): 庆历四年的春天,滕子京降职到岳州做太守.到了第二年,政事顺利百姓和乐,许多荒废的事业都兴办起来了.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原有的建筑规模,把唐代贤人和当今的人的诗赋刻在上面.滕子京嘱咐我写一篇作文来记述这件事. ...

#杜玲复# 岳阳楼记的译文 -
(17059064851): 宋仁宗庆历四年春天,滕子京被贬谪到岳州当了知州.到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,许多已废弛不办的事情都兴办起来.于是重新修建岳阳楼,扩大它原来的规模,在楼上刻了唐代名人和当代人的诗赋...