大大们。。帮忙翻译一下这篇文文吧 大大们帮小弟翻译一下这篇文章吧,不急,但要人工翻译,是有关I...

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-02
Hello! Welcome to the existing shek wu scenic spot. It is located in jiangsu province, suzhou ancient city about 4.5 km southwest. "A few is on three sides by mountains and beautiful scenery of the". Called wuzhong scenic spot. Is the national scenic taihu landscape of fame 13. When autumn for coordinating noble king wu yue, ii to the battlefield. Scenic area is divided into existing shek wu, ShangFangShan, wu, scholars, money transfer, dock, home on seven JingQun etc. In jinwan Originally existing shek wu tai wan, because a man in the JinBing hewn stone, the foot on suzhou. We are now ShangFangShan national forest park. Here you can see our detailed map area. Now please follow me, in front of us is to draw a temple, the old temple, and LiangTian arris gadamer years (A.D. 80 years prison) monk method, first built SongZhiPing mirror (AD), with nianhao 1064 fame, renamed to draw the temple. In front of us is TianWangDian, which holds the four major Kings, commonly known as the four masters. Represents the good crop weather. Out of the temple, one TianWangDian within three years of the ginkgo tree age above, more than 10 meters high, trunk ZhouChangSan meters. Now we can see the left for spring, a water-hole which after the protector of hewn, and to control the army, for drinking, the male Wells. The qing emperor qianlong six times, six to existing shek wu, near gin-san area when he stopped to flat temple is a land. We can see again go higher daxiong baodian, located bear is the Lord's. There is 16 arhat, on the topic "water plaque for" is chengcheng view of royal emperor qianlong copies. Now please follow me, here is the existing shek wu Ming tong, wen indtoduce the king, for WangChong, ShangZhen, often in the gathering. Wen levy, tang Ming TiE harmonica for books. In this set five generations a memorial temple, five people. Please follow me, in front of us is tea mill, lantau SunWuXi soldiers for kendo, so "shoot, cliff" two characters, is given SongXiaoZong YuBi FanChengDa. Then came a buddhist temple and stone temple, was founded in chao sound song, and mountain cliffs, cut out to build a high kuan Yin, six cubits, expression distinct. Many times, after retaking kuan Yin dynasty between cliff for survivors. The qing emperor qianlong, inscribed board near gin-san area when the door and write "sweet brahman antithetical couplet" may force compassion, WenSiYuan should tide dew temple ". GuanYinDian still couplet of pillars. GuanYinDong has carved kylin, meaning SongZi kylin, SongZi avalokitesvara. Right "small" is DouMu tiantai JinXian wu that book for books. GuanYinDong GuanYinGe has two walls have guanyin twelve method. Located on the right of the mount mill is tea house near gin-san area when the second existing shek wu emperor qianlong, the fishermen, after watching the existing shek wu write the fishing is fishing, song song royal monuments in the house of judah. This porch house and adjacent tea mill mountain, compose a room Fang drought, known as the image on Fang tablet, now still save - 13 (1924) the rebuilt stone buddhist temple of mountain in room. We saw the Lin walked plum blossom is FanWenMu male shrine was founded in MingZhengDe fourteen years (1520), YuZhengDe formally inaugurated in fifteen (15), by LuYong to commemorate the four FanChengDa one song. The original book "SongXiaoZong royal royal monuments, pastoral existing shek wu" for three ShiBei FanChengDa, like the treasure of the temple. Now the only 60 FanChengDa calligraphy on the Ming dynasty the noise of the rural ShiBei 4 carefully. FanGong temple and the existing shek wu says, in Ming dynasty, tang Ming literati ShenZhou, on such land wit reading paint. Now for the protection of cultural relics in suzhou. An introduction of our sites, now is dissolved, several sets. Wish you have a good time. Bye-bye.

姓名: 范成大
又名: 号石湖居士 字致能
性别: 男
生卒年: 1126—1193
所属朝代: 宋代
所属文学时期: 宋代文学
同时期作家: 刘克庄 姜夔 戴复古 陈亮















Hello! Welcome to the existing shek wu scenic spot. It is located in jiangsu province, suzhou ancient city about 4.5 km southwest. "A few is on three sides by mountains and beautiful scenery of the". Called wuzhong scenic spot. Is the national scenic taihu landscape of fame 13. When autumn for coordinating noble king wu yue, ii to the battlefield. Scenic area is divided into existing shek wu, ShangFangShan, wu, scholars, money transfer, dock, home on seven JingQun etc. In jinwan Originally existing shek wu tai wan, because a man in the JinBing hewn stone, the foot on suzhou. We are now ShangFangShan national forest park. Here you can see our detailed map area. Now please follow me, in front of us is to draw a temple, the old temple, and LiangTian arris gadamer years (A.D. 80 years prison) monk method, first built SongZhiPing mirror (AD), with nianhao 1064 fame, renamed to draw the temple. In front of us is TianWangDian, which holds the four major Kings, commonly known as the four masters. Represents the good crop weather. Out of the temple, one TianWangDian within three years of the ginkgo tree age above, more than 10 meters high, trunk ZhouChangSan meters. Now we can see the left for spring, a water-hole which after the protector of hewn, and to control the army, for drinking, the male Wells. The qing emperor qianlong six times, six to existing shek wu, near gin-san area when he stopped to flat temple is a land. We can see again go higher daxiong baodian, located bear is the Lord's. There is 16 arhat, on the topic "water plaque for" is chengcheng view of royal emperor qianlong copies. Now please follow me, here is the existing shek wu Ming tong, wen indtoduce the king, for WangChong, ShangZhen, often in the gathering. Wen levy, tang Ming TiE harmonica for books. In this set five generations a memorial temple, five people. Please follow me, in front of us is tea mill, lantau SunWuXi soldiers for kendo, so "shoot, cliff" two characters, is given SongXiaoZong YuBi FanChengDa. Then came a buddhist temple and stone temple, was founded in chao sound song, and mountain cliffs, cut out to build a high kuan Yin, six cubits, expression distinct. Many times, after retaking kuan Yin dynasty between cliff for survivors. The qing emperor qianlong, inscribed board near gin-san area when the door and write "sweet brahman antithetical couplet" may force compassion, WenSiYuan should tide dew temple ". GuanYinDian still couplet of pillars. GuanYinDong has carved kylin, meaning SongZi kylin, SongZi avalokitesvara. Right "small" is DouMu tiantai JinXian wu that book for books. GuanYinDong GuanYinGe has two walls have guanyin twelve method. Located on the right of the mount mill is tea house near gin-san area when the second existing shek wu emperor qianlong, the fishermen, after watching the existing shek wu write the fishing is fishing, song song royal monuments in the house of judah. This porch house and adjacent tea mill mountain, compose a room Fang drought, known as the image on Fang tablet, now still save - 13 (1924) the rebuilt stone buddhist temple of mountain in room. We saw the Lin walked plum blossom is FanWenMu male shrine was founded in MingZhengDe fourteen years (1520), YuZhengDe formally inaugurated in fifteen (15), by LuYong to commemorate the four FanChengDa one song. The original book "SongXiaoZong royal royal monuments, pastoral existing shek wu" for three ShiBei FanChengDa, like the treasure of the temple. Now the only 60 FanChengDa calligraphy on the Ming dynasty the noise of the rural ShiBei 4 carefully. FanGong temple and the existing shek wu says, in Ming dynasty, tang Ming literati ShenZhou, on such land wit reading paint. Now for the protection of cultural relics in suzhou. An introduction of our sites, now is dissolved, several sets. Wish you have a good time. Bye-bye.


I am a tour guide, English is not very good. Next week I take a foreigner to lead the lakers ~ ~ translate for me. Don't like Chinese so complicated, simple point
Home! Welcome to the existing shek wu scenic spot. It is located in jiangsu province, suzhou ancient city about 4.5 km southwest. "A few is on three sides by mountains and beautiful scenery of the". Called wuzhong scenic spot. Is the national scenic taihu landscape of fame 13. When autumn for coordinating noble king wu yue, ii to the battlefield. Scenic area is divided into existing shek wu, ShangFangShan, wu, scholars, money transfer, dock, home on seven JingQun etc. In jinwan Originally existing shek wu tai wan, because a man in the JinBing hewn stone, the foot on suzhou. We are now ShangFangShan national forest park. Here you can see our detailed map area. Now please follow me, in front of us is to draw a temple, the old temple, and LiangTian arris gadamer years (A.D. 80 years prison) monk method, first built SongZhiPing mirror (AD), with nianhao 1064 fame, renamed to draw the temple. In front of us is TianWangDian, which holds the four major Kings, commonly known as the four masters. Represents the good crop weather. Out of the temple, one TianWangDian within three years of the ginkgo tree age above, more than 10 meters high, trunk ZhouChangSan meters. Now we can see the left for spring, a water-hole which after the protector of hewn, and to control the army, for drinking, the male Wells. The qing emperor qianlong six times, six to existing shek wu, near gin-san area when he stopped to flat temple is a land. We can see again go higher daxiong baodian, located bear is the Lord's. There is 16 arhat, on the topic "water plaque for" is chengcheng view of royal emperor qianlong copies. Now please follow me, here is the existing shek wu Ming tong, wen indtoduce the king, for WangChong, ShangZhen, often in the gathering. Wen levy, tang Ming TiE harmonica for books. In this set five generations a memorial temple, five people. Please follow me, in front of us is tea mill, lantau SunWuXi soldiers for kendo, so "shoot, cliff" two characters, is given SongXiaoZong YuBi FanChengDa. Then came a buddhist temple and stone temple, was founded in chao sound song, and mountain cliffs, cut out to build a high kuan Yin, six cubits, expression distinct. Many times, after retaking kuan Yin dynasty between cliff for survivors. The qing emperor qianlong, inscribed board near gin-san area when the door and write "sweet brahman antithetical couplet" may force compassion, WenSiYuan should tide dew temple ". GuanYinDian still couplet of pillars. GuanYinDong has carved kylin, meaning SongZi kylin, SongZi avalokitesvara. Right "small" is DouMu tiantai JinXian wu that book for books. GuanYinDong GuanYinGe has two walls have guanyin twelve method. Located on the right of the mount mill is tea house near gin-san area when the second existing shek wu emperor qianlong, the fishermen, after watching the existing shek wu write the fishing is fishing, song song royal monuments in the house of judah. This porch house and adjacent tea mill mountain, compose a room Fang drought, known as the image on Fang tablet, now still save - 13 (1924) the rebuilt stone buddhist temple of mountain in room. We saw the Lin walked plum blossom is FanWenMu male shrine was founded in MingZhengDe fourteen years (1520), YuZhengDe formally inaugurated in fifteen (15), by LuYong to commemorate the four FanChengDa one song. The original book "SongXiaoZong royal royal monuments, pastoral existing shek wu" for three ShiBei FanChengDa, like the treasure of the temple. Now the only 60 FanChengDa calligraphy on the Ming dynasty the noise of the rural ShiBei 4 carefully. FanGong temple and the existing shek wu says, in Ming dynasty, tang Ming literati ShenZhou, on such land wit reading paint. Now for the protection of cultural relics in suzhou. An introduction of our sites, now is dissolved, several sets. Wish you have a good time. Bye-bye.

邶地有位有七个孩子的母亲不能安分的守妇道。七个孩子自怨自艾,希望能挽回他们母亲的心。有诗人写了《凯风》用来表示怜惜之情。我国从尼不楚条约到旅顺大连的租让,先后丧失的土地,失去了祖国的护养,被外族虐待,推测他们的悲哀之情,大概比《凯风》所怜惜的七子更悲伤吧,于是选择那些与中华关系最亲密的七块土地,为它们写作诗歌各一章,来抒发它们孤苦却无处诉说,及眷恋祖国的哀伤,也用来激励国人奋发图强、振兴祖国。国家疆土沦丧,时间已经很长了,国人看到却很漠然。难道没有看到那法兰西的Alsace-Lorraine吗?“精诚所至,金石能开”。果真能像这样,中华“七子”的归来难道不是早晚的事吗? Hello! Welcome to the existing shek wu scenic spot. It is located in jiangsu province, suzhou ancient city about 4.5 km southwest. "A few is on three sides by mountains and beautiful scenery of the". Called wuzhong scenic spot. Is the national scenic taihu landscape of fame 13. When autumn for coordinating noble king wu yue, ii to the battlefield. Scenic area is divided into existing shek wu, ShangFangShan, wu, scholars, money transfer, dock, home on seven JingQun etc. In jinwan Originally existing shek wu tai wan, because a man in the JinBing hewn stone, the foot on suzhou. We are now ShangFangShan national forest park. Here you can see our detailed map area. Now please follow me, in front of us is to draw a temple, the old temple, and LiangTian arris gadamer years (A.D. 80 years prison) monk method, first built SongZhiPing mirror (AD), with nianhao 1064 fame, renamed to draw the temple. In front of us is TianWangDian, which holds the four major Kings, commonly known as the four masters. Represents the good crop weather. Out of the temple, one TianWangDian within three years of the ginkgo tree age above, more than 10 meters high, trunk ZhouChangSan meters. Now we can see the left for spring, a water-hole which after the protector of hewn, and to control the army, for drinking, the male Wells. The qing emperor qianlong six times, six to existing shek wu, near gin-san area when he stopped to flat temple is a land. We can see again go higher daxiong baodian, located bear is the Lord's. There is 16 arhat, on the topic "water plaque for" is chengcheng view of royal emperor qianlong copies. Now please follow me, here is the existing shek wu Ming tong, wen indtoduce the king, for WangChong, ShangZhen, often in the gathering. Wen levy, tang Ming TiE harmonica for books. In this set five generations a memorial temple, five people. Please follow me, in front of us is tea mill, lantau SunWuXi soldiers for kendo, so "shoot, cliff" two characters, is given SongXiaoZong YuBi FanChengDa. Then came a buddhist temple and stone temple, was founded in chao sound song, and mountain cliffs, cut out to build a high kuan Yin, six cubits, expression distinct. Many times, after retaking kuan Yin dynasty between cliff for survivors. The qing emperor qianlong, inscribed board near gin-san area when the door and write "sweet brahman antithetical couplet" may force compassion, WenSiYuan should tide dew temple ". GuanYinDian still couplet of pillars. GuanYinDong has carved kylin, meaning SongZi kylin, SongZi avalokitesvara. Right "small" is DouMu tiantai JinXian wu that book for books. GuanYinDong GuanYinGe has two walls have guanyin twelve method. Located on the right of the mount mill is tea house near gin-san area when the second existing shek wu emperor qianlong, the fishermen, after watching the existing shek wu write the fishing is fishing, song song royal monuments in the house of judah. This porch house and adjacent tea mill mountain, compose a room Fang drought, known as the image on Fang tablet, now still save - 13 (1924) the rebuilt stone buddhist temple of mountain in room. We saw the Lin walked plum blossom is FanWenMu male shrine was founded in MingZhengDe fourteen years (1520), YuZhengDe formally inaugurated in fifteen (15), by LuYong to commemorate the four FanChengDa one song. The original book "SongXiaoZong royal royal monuments, pastoral existing shek wu" for three ShiBei FanChengDa, like the treasure of the temple. Now the only 60 FanChengDa calligraphy on the Ming dynasty the noise of the rural ShiBei 4 carefully. FanGong temple and the existing shek wu says, in Ming dynasty, tang Ming literati ShenZhou, on such land wit reading paint. Now for the protection of cultural relics in suzhou. An introduction of our sites, now is dissolved, several sets. Wish you have a good time. Bye-bye.




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#琴洁届# 帮忙翻译一下这篇文章吧!毕业急用,谢谢了 -
(13788844728): Enterprise management and operation's basic objective point lie in how about implementation target cost management's ponder does the expands the income...

#琴洁届# 帮忙翻译一下这篇短文
(13788844728): Friendship Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by ...

#琴洁届# 李白《丁都护歌》的译文,帮我翻译一下啊!!拜托了 -
(13788844728): 丁都护歌 云阳上征去,两岸饶商贾. 吴牛喘月时,拖船一何苦. 水浊不可饮,壶浆半成土. 一唱督护歌,心摧泪如雨. 万人系盘石,无由达江浒. 君看石芒砀,掩泪悲千古. 【作者】:李白 【朝代】:唐 【体裁】:乐府 ---------------------...

#琴洁届# 帮我翻译一下这篇课文
(13788844728): 招志愿者 4名外国工程师将于20 September.Thry本校将会totech我们如何使用在lab.We需要志愿者的新设备,为图尔指导工作,给予一般帮助,并帮助与equipment.We需要在至少有三个志愿者设立的lab.we的投影机,计算机和设备也想在厨房的帮助和在接待desk.If yuor英语好,愿意帮助,请在船上!

#琴洁届# 请帮忙翻译一下这篇文章! -
(13788844728): 私のビジョンは、 "星占いの部门になること" (占い师は、简単には)私の小学校で、彼らの仕事の多くになりたいが、今有効にするには、私は望んでいる"占星术分割する必要があります. "私は5年间の研究から始める占星术、タロットもの.现在のエントリと见なされている.部门のために、非常に兴味深い仕事占星术と思うので、私のビジョンは、星占いの先生になるためです.私のハードは、イギリスの后を追う研究に研究を行う.この仕事はお金をたくさん作ることはできませんが、これが私の理想的です.今后は、是非! !

#琴洁届# 帮忙翻译一下这篇英语文章!?
(13788844728): 亲爱的,汤姆, 你怎么了?你野营玩得开心吗?我过了一个非常有趣的一天.我拜访我的表亲.整天都在下雨.在早上,我呆在家里看DVD,玩电脑游戏和阅读.在下午,马丁叔叔把他的一些旧的东西放在院子里出售!然而,没有人来购买,因为天气太坏.幸运的是,我们把我们的雨伞和雨衣,所以我们才没有被淋湿. 一会儿见, 尼克

#琴洁届# 帮忙翻译一下这篇文章吧,因为句子比较长自己翻译的很别扭..感谢感谢 -
(13788844728): 相貌和财富 Frances Parkinson Keyes著 “忠于你自己”---莎士比亚 我一直非常喜欢一个故事,它是关于林肯内阁的一个提议.林肯的一个顾问强烈建议林肯启用一个求职者,而林肯拒绝了他的提议,为此林肯给出了他的理由. “我不喜欢...

#琴洁届# 描述你的穿着 英文翻译大家帮忙吧这篇文章翻译成英文吧我穿这一件粉红色的羽绒衣 和一件条纹毛线衣我穿着一条黑色牛仔裤,穿着一双运动鞋 - 作业帮
(13788844728):[答案] I'm wearing a red jacket and a strip sweater. I'm wearing a black jean and sports shoes.