用英语写一篇你在母亲节会为妈妈做什么50个单词? 英语作文30至50个单词名为母亲节 我为妈妈做家务

www.zhiqu.org     时间: 2024-06-16
On Mother's day, I will prepare a big dinner for her. What's more, I'll make a good foot wash for him, Besides, clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Let her have a good rest. After all, she has worked so hard in this family

On Mother's day, I will prepare a big dinner for her. What's more, I'll make a good foot wash for him, Besides, clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Let her have a good rest. After all, she has worked so hard in this family


Yesterday was Mother's Day. 6:00, my mother began to cook for us, my father was read the newspaper, grandmothe was watched television . I tidied up my room, and then to help mother with her housework. I cleaned the first floor of each room, and then wipe the table, but also to help my mother cook. Mom was very happy.

In my home, mother always do the housework for us.She is tireless working always,she cleans up the house,she makes foods for us,she makes us drinks and so on.It is her hard working gives me a warmful home,but sometimes I think there is really something I can do and need do to help her,yes,I am big enough to do that for her and for me myself.So one day,I pick up the broom to clean the house myself,do the cooking for the first time,mom,she smiles to me from heart.
It gives me a great move from the little things.what I can do for her now is so limited and so small,that doesn't matter,but what important is that it shows the love between us,it shows a thankful heart I and everyone need to have.Well yes,It is a meaningful and
great things and it is also a good experiense for me.

____To help mom with the housework

#舌雍晴# 用上I will +动词词组. 的句式描述一下你将在母亲节为妈妈做些什么? -
(13760164090): I will clean the house on mother's day. 我在母亲节会清理房子

#舌雍晴# 用英语写一篇母亲节的计划50 - 60词 -
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